Useful resources
- Asjad Naqvi, Jonathan Roth, and Pedro Sant’Anna’s repositories of staggered and heterogeneity-robust Difference-in-Differences estimators, related literature, and software packages.
- Asjad Naqvi’s Medium guide on Stata covering data management and automation, programming, data visualization, LaTeX integration, GitHub integration, and more.
- Fernando Rios-Avila has a fantastic repository on Stata programming, data visualization, and several packages on recent staggered and heterogeneity-robust Difference-in-Differences estimators.
- Grant McDermott’s resources on data science for economists and selection of guides and software tools.
- Scott Cunningham’s free, online version of Causal Inference: The Mixtape.
- Nick Huntington-Klein’s free, online version of The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality.
- David McKenzie’s annual summary of data on development economics journals.
- DataFirst’s Open Data Portal which provides access to a wide range of individual, household, and firm-level microdata.
- EconData, a database covering a variety of South African macroeconomic data.
- Giacomo Battiston and Jared Gars’ resources on using Git for economics research.
- Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham’s guide on using GitHub Copilot in VSCode with LaTeX/Stata/R extensions.